Ayurvedic Rejuvenation, Reproductive Health Care & Panchakarma Centre

We provide personalized care and the best treatment options for every individual.
Your sustained health state is our priority!

Welcome to AyuPrapthi

AyuPrapthi is a unique specialty clinic in Ayurveda that specializes in rejuvenation and reproductive health care for individuals of all sexual categories.

Friendly Clinic Near You

We lend the best healthcare to the public through both offline and online modes of consultation and we also ease the medicine availability by home delivery of branded and customised medicines post consultation.

We offer specialized therapies

We offer authentic keraliya panchakarma therapies including PanchaShodhana and specialized local treatments for improving male and female reproductive system (including Uttara Basti) for enhancing the fertility.

New Patient

If you are visiting us for the first time, please take a few minutes to fill out this form and let us know your concerns. We are here to help you improve your health and treat your ailments.

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+(91) 8050588848

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About our Chief-Consultant

Dr. Krishika M B.A.M.S., M.D.(Ayu)

Vaidya Krishika is the founder and Chief Consultant of AyuPrapthi – An Ayurvedic Rejuvenation, Reproductive Healthcare & Panchakarma Centre.
She has done a specialty in the unique branch of Ayurveda named “Rasayana evam Vajikarana (Ayurvedic Rejuvenation and Reproductive Health)”.
She has acquired knowledge in Ayurvedic Treatment modalities from the traditional legacy of Ayurveda from the Great old Ayurvedic Vaidyas across Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. She had specialization in Keraliya panchakarma and is well versed in performing leech therapy, cupping therapy, and various male and female reproductive system-specific treatments like Medicated Vaginal douche, vaginal tampons, enemas, and Uttar Basti.
She has published many scholarly articles in many renounced international journals and was awarded the University’s best dissertation award for her novel research in preparing a new ayurvedic medicinal oil for the successful treatment of female sexual dysfunction (dyspareunia). She gains a special place in her clinical practice by providing unique healthcare treatments like Ayurvedic Pre-conceptional care, Pregnancy rejuvenation care, Indriya rejuvenation care, and Reproductive care for all sexual categories.

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How to Find Us

Fill up the Form and Ask Your Queries


320/33, 17th cross, 26th main, JP Nagar 6th Phase, Bengaluru – 560078


+(91) 8050588848



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